Treat Your Pain & Get Your Life Back!

Are you suffering from neck pain, lower back pain, headaches, or sciatica due to a work related, slip & fall, or other accident or injury? Professional Chiropractic treatment options will help you feel better and enjoy a greater quality of life.

Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to help treat neck pain. If left untreated, neck pain can lead to other symptoms such as headaches. Chiropractic adjustments help alleviate pain by correcting joint restrictions and misalignments in the spine and reducing muscle spasm and inflammation.

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

About 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. It is the most common reason for missed time from work. Chiropractic care is a great way to treat lower back pain and help you not miss any important days.



There are many different types and causes of headaches. Chiropractic care can be helpful in treating headaches originating from the neck and tension headaches.



Sciatica is pain radiating along the path of the sciatic nerve, which runs down the leg from the lower back. A chiropractor can help determine what is causing your sciatic pain and with chiropractic care can help treat it.

Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents are common and can cause whiplash injuries. Whiplash can cause muscle pain and stiffness amongst other symptoms. Chiropractic care can treat and alleviate whiplash and other auto accident injuries.

Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Injuries are common in all sports. Chiropractic care can play a role in preventing sports injuries and in helping relieve joint and muscle pain resulting from sports injuries.